

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Local Election Office – Release for the post of Data Entry Operator (contract)

Department : Local Election Office Sehore
Post release: Release for the post of data entry operator (contract)
Tel : 07562-227388
E-mail :

15/05/2023 31/05/2023 View (567 KB)
District Disabled and Rehabilitation Center Sehore,Final list of applications received

1. Final list of applications received for the post of Administrative Officer (38).
2. Final list of applications received  for the post of Peon(208).
3. Final list of applications received for the post of Chowkidar (109).

16/01/2020 01/07/2020 View (378 KB) () () ()
Lok Seva Prabandhak District Sehore, List of eligible applicants for office cum data entry operator

Lok Seva Prabandhak District Sehore, List of eligible applicants for office cum data entry operator

31/01/2020 29/03/2020 View (6 MB)
Lok Seva Prabandhak District Sehore, List of Selected / Waiting applicants for office cum data entry operator

Lok Seva Prabandhak District Sehore, List of Selected / Waiting applicants for office cum data entry operator

03/02/2020 03/03/2020 View (999 KB)
Lok Seva Prabandhak District Sehore,List of ineligible applicants for office cum data entry operator

Lok Seva Prabandhak District Sehore, List of ineligible applicants for office cum data entry operator.The deadline of 07/12/2019 is 07 days for objections to claims. Claim objection will not be entertained after the given time. Final merit list will be prepared after resolving all claim objections properly.

30/11/2019 07/12/2019 View (10 MB)
District Disabled and Rehabilitation Center Sehore,Interim list of applications received

1. Interim list of applications received for the post of Administrative Officer (38) in District Disabled and Rehabilitation Center, Sehore.
2. Interim list of applications received in the District Disabled and Rehabilitation Center, Sehore, for the post of Bhunta (208).
3. Interim list of applications received for the post of Chowkidar (109) in District Disabled and Rehabilitation Center, Sehore.

21/08/2019 31/08/2019 View (429 KB) AdministrativeOfficer (937 KB) Peon (5 MB) Chokidar (3 MB)